Sunday, May 28, 2006

Production Freezes

I realize we haven't updated this in a while, so here's a quick overview of what's happening with the short. Basically, it was halfway done when AJ finished recording his lines. All that's left to shoot is my stuff (yes, I'm in it) but due to [more] scheduling conflicts, production has frozen. I've been trying to work something out for the past week or so, but nothing's materialized yet.

We'll keep ya posted.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Haven 37 Films

I've got some really big news to announce today. Arlo and I had a brief powwow concerning what banner we would be putting it out under. Originally, we were going to use my Five Dollar Shake Productions, but now we've picked something we both like, Haven 37 Films. For those not in the know, here's an explanation of the title. "Haven" is a planet featured on one of Arlo's favorite TV shows, Firefly, and "37" is of course a reference to that infamous line in Kevin Smith's Clerks, which will not be stated here, for semi-obvious reasons.

Be sure to look out for big updates within the next few days, as principal photography and sound recordings could begin sooner than we thought. Happy travels!

Script Update

As of now, the rough draft of the script is complete and now the both of us are gonna go through it and tweak anything that needs to be tweaked. (Is it just me or is "tweaked" starting to sound strange?) We'll be back in a bit with some more info.

Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Interrogator

Welcome to the "official" production blog for The Interrogator, a new short film written by myself and Arlo J. Wiley. More information, along with day-to-day entries on the film's progress and even a few video production diaries, are on the way.